For the past couple of months my job has been to look for jobs. It's bleak. There's nothing out there. Believe me. Nothing. No one is hiring in our area that doesn't require a master's or doctorate in something. Well...that's not my field. After all, I was a stay-at-home mom on purpose while living overseas 12 years. Not much I could do there either.
I've been determined to do the job search until I was hired. I did the searches online. Nothing. I did the foot work. They told me to fill out applications online. Again nothing. So if all else fails, pray. That's what I did. Last night before bed, Charlie and I held hands and prayed for a job, any job.
This morning was going as normal. I got the kids off to school. I made plans to go grocery shopping, pay the bills and continue to apply for jobs. Then the doorbell rang. I wondered who this could be. I even contemplated not answering it. But something inside told me to get up and see who it was ringing my bell at 9am. It was my neighbor, Johnny. I thought to myself, "What now?" Johnny likes to come over and talk... a lot. Still I answered the door. He said some magical words, "Are you looking for a job?" I asked myself, "What in the world?" He continued to tell me how his wife was needing help at her job and was looking to hire someone. She works at a private school in the cafeteria and runs the place. I'd only have to work while the girls were in school and I'd be home before they got home. I wouldn't work nights, weekends, holidays or the summer but I'd still be paid for the summers. My dream job. I was hired on the spot and start work tomorrow.
Not only did I get the job, I got the pay and the hours I most desired. Plus the work isn't hard and my boss is nice. My angel was my neighbor this time.