Monday, February 28, 2011

ATL Baby

We drove up to Atlanta on Sunday for a special church service that we were invited to. We couldn't have asked for better weather. The skies were clear. It was warm. And the trees were blooming.

The city sat perfectly in front of us.
You can see the Olympic torch left from when Atlanta hosted the Olympics.

The traffic was horrendous on the way home. It was bumper to bumper, stop and go for miles.

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Curves Update

Jas was seen by an orthopedic today to get a closer look at her scoliosis. He took more x-rays and made some measurements. He said the curves are not so dramatic to need a brace or surgery. He said since she is still growing, they will keep a watch on it and to come back in three months for repeat x-rays. So that's good news. Best Blogger Tips

Sunday, February 20, 2011


The kids had a scoliosis screening at school. This was a first for them. They had never had their backs looked at in Dodds schools. While Maya and Kiera were cleared for scoliosis, Jas needed another look at her back. A letter was delivered to our mailbox stating that our physician needed to run some more tests. So we had some x-rays ordered. Low and behold she has quite a curvy spine:

The nurse said there are two curves, one is 26 degrees and the other is at 30 degrees. She has been referred to an orthopedic for a further look. She may need to wear a brace for a while or she may need surgery. After our appointment on Tuesday we'll know more of what her options are.

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Goodnight Moon

Tonight the moon was absolutely gorgeous!
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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Daddy/Daughter Dance and Valentine's School Dance

Yes, Charlie's angels have grown up. They are no longer babies. They all had their first real dance at school and also got to dress up. Charlie and Kiera went on a daddy/daughter dance put on by her school. And Jas and Maya went on their first middle school dance. They all had a great time and chatted about it all night.

They are all so beautiful.

I love this shot of my girls.

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