Today I was cleaning up after the kids came home from school. I saw
Kiera's lunch box still on the floor knowing that Sandi would soon have her head stuck in it pulling out whatever food was left. Usually I make the girls clean up their own mess but it was a special day. Charlie had surprised them by coming home early and picking them up from school. I should have known better than to stick my hand in that lunchbox. Usually I just shake whatever that's in it into the trash can. But this time I dove right in. And what did I find? A sticky, icky chewed up piece of gum that was now entwined in my fingers and not letting go.
KIERA", I yelled. "What is this?"
I wasn't really ready for the answer. She always has a reason for everything.
"It's my gum." she answered
nonchalantly .
"Obviously, what is it doing at the bottom of your lunchbox?"
She looked up at me so sweetly and said, "I wanted my lunchbox to be minty fresh."