Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Wipe it clean
I want to post about our trip to Minna Island but I can't yet. Charlie wiped the computer Sunday and Monday. It's totally clean with nothing on it!!! Yea!!! We thought we were going to have to buy a new computer because it was slowly dying. Sites kept freezing up, I couldn't print more than 1 page, couldn't put it into stand-by and then the ever dreaded black screen happened. Thank goodness I saved everything I needed and wanted onto an external hard drive just last week. So now we have to re-load what we want back on the computer (cameras, G drive, word, the printer, everything). But we are going to keep it as simple as we can. All the cameras (5 to be exact, you know the kids have theirs, I have mine, Charlie has his underwater camera) aren't going to be re-loaded. I'll get a card reader instead because all the software eats up the hard drive and causes it to be slow. It's 5 years old now and we are trying to keep it as long as we can. If it holds out until next year (which it should now) we'll give it to the kids and I'll get my very own laptop! So anyway I'll get around to posting about our trip to Minna Island soon.