I've been keeping my eye on this one.
These storms seem to pop out of no where. At first it was just a tropical storm and now it has strengthened into a Cat. 5 super typhoon. That's as big as they get. But we won't be experiencing it thank goodness. It's going to start turning NE in a couple of days and eventually fizzle out into the sea.

We've been very lucky for two years now. The last typhoon we experienced was Cat. 5 super typhoon Man-Yi. It was huge and took about 36 hours to pass completely over Okinawa. Thankfully, the houses are made to withstand that kind of storm. We didn't have any damage. The Okinawans carried on as normal even during the storm. We on the other hand stored up and hunkered down. Typhoon season will be ending the first of Dec. If we don't get another storm between now and then, we won't see another one while we are living in Japan.