Coming back to the states I had my
apprehension about the latest
gadgets. I knew I wanted them but was scared to use them. And I really didn't know the depth of all they can do to make my life simpler. Doing what any military spouse would do, I jumped right in. I got a Droid Eris from Verizon. It's my new love. Yes, Charlie is a bit jealous of our relationship.

Besides making calls,
texting, voice mail and
internet, it does all of this:
Scans bar codes so I can find out who has the best deal, reviews and details.

Keeps all of my shopper's cards in one app. The cashier scans the bar code on my phone when I pull up the app. and credits my savings.

Saves my coupons from
cellfire so I don't have to search, print and clip. I always have them handy even when I forget everything else.

Tells me where the closest
restaurants, gas stations and stores are around through yelp. It even gives me reviews, websites and driving directions on how to get there from where I am.

Navigates me where ever I want to go from where ever I am at the moment.

It does so much more than that (I'm liking the whole weather and news apps. too). I'm in love with this phone. It's fun to find out new apps. everyday. It's made my life a ton easier already.