Today the girls and I went to Twin Oaks Fun Farm. It was a cute little place with much to offer for some Saturday fall fun.
We took a hay ride. The girls were wondering what was so great about this. They kept asking, "Why do we ride in a tractor on hay?" It's just another thing you miss out on living overseas so long.

We rode around the corn maze and sunflower field.

We saw a donkey and took some time out to feed and pet it.
This lama sure knows how to smile for the camera. He was sweet though, no spitting on us.

The donkey called us back for more petting.
Then the fun really began. We found a pumpkin shoot. The girls had a great time shooting tiny pumpkins across a field with these cool slingshots.

A direct hit. See Kiera's pumpkin in mid-air?

And Maya actually landed a pumpkin in one of those buckets!!
We all had a fun time. The girls were in a silly mood (I think it was the only way they could deal with me taking them to a pumpkin patch with the rest of the kids there being 5 and under).