Friday, April 15, 2011
Staying Busy
It's been a busy couple of weeks. I can't believe it's been two weeks already since we went to the beach and my last post. Last week we spent (somewhat) glued to the news to see if the budget was going to pass. If not, then we'd be stayin' home doin' nothin' 'cause we would be savin' every nickel to pay bills for months to come. You've got to love how they'd just put off paying the troops like they don't sacrifice enough already, just for your freedom! But.... since it passed, we've relaxed and got some home projects completed, yea! Let's see...I fertilized the front and back yard (God, I hope I did it right). I guess we'll find out in a few weeks if we have stripes or not. I re-stained our patio furniture. You know, you don't realize how bad it looks until you put a coat of stain on it. It's beautiful now, like new. And I gathered supplies for Kiera's birthday party that snuck up on me. And this weekend we'll be...having Kiera's birthday/sleepover party. Charlie and I will FINALLY be putting in pavers in the front landscape and setting up the fountain we bought, oh, seven months ago. And I'll be staining the fence. So much to do, so little time. Hopefully our little projects won't cost huge prices. Pics. to come!