After visiting DC, we took the kids to Bush Gardens, Williamsburg for free thanks to Here's to the Heroes. It's an organization that gives tickets to select amusements parks around the country to military members and their families. We had an awesome time riding rides, hanging out and visiting European countries throughout the park. The girls loved going on the roller coasters. I loved the food and seeing them smile. We stayed all day from opening to closing. We ended up leaving the park soaking wet from going on the Rapids and getting absolutely drenched. Maybe we should have started on that ride first!
This is just one of the rides they went on:
I didn't take my camera for fear that it would get wet or damaged. So I only have this one lonely picture from my phone.
At the end of the day, we got a hotel for the night to rest. We had planned on going to Water Country USA but the weather turned terrible and spoiled our day. We ended up driving back to NC in the pouring rain.
On our last day of vacation we took the kids to Wet 'n Wild Emerald Pointe. It was awesome! The kids tricked me into going on a slide that was totally in the dark. I would have never gone on it if I knew how pitch black it was in there. I didn't know if I was coming or going. It was fun but I won't do that one again. It was not my thing.