But really, we've been busy. The girls started school and are doing well. All of us are getting up at 5:30 and out the door by 6:40. They are all making A's in everything, joining clubs, making friends, going to dances and football games. I have returned to work and have been going to physical therapy for my back from the car accident . It still hurts (like none other sometimes) but I'm getting stronger. I have been on top of my exercises and heat therapy. Charlie has been working hard too. He went to MOB school for two weeks. He loved the combat training. He was able to really get some aggression out. He was out in the field for a week in this GA heat that we can't get a break from. His words coming home, "I didn't die!" - from the heat or from their combat exercise. That's good, I'd like to have him around a little while longer. Things are only going to get busier around here. I hope I can keep up.