Well, now my crazy life just got a little crazier. I got a phone call from the Med-Tech at Maya's school saying that she had fallen and they put ice on her leg. Ok, no big deal, right? She's not screaming or crying but she also said Maya couldn't put weight on her leg and maybe I should come get her. So I did, not thinking anything was wrong. Maybe it was bruised, maybe nothing, maybe not worth my time to get off work for.
I met her at school and saw that she was being wheeled around in a desk chair and could not walk at all. I drove straight to our med stop which is an urgent care clinic (I won't use the er unless we are actually dieing). Vitals and rays were taken. Then the doctor called me privately out of her room to talk to me. "Ms, she has a broken hip. I have never seen a child with a broken hip." He showed me the xrays. It was clear as day.
We rushed her over to the city hospital and went right into surgery. The orthopedic surgeon put two pins into her hip to put the bone back together. Surgery was quick and everything went well. She went into recovery and then into a room to recuperate for the next few days.
Word got out quickly and Maya had a steady flow of visitors. Her classmates came, her favorite teacher, Mr. C came, her pe coaches came, friends from church came. I also received phone calls, texts and facebook messages. One thing that came out of this is that you find out just how loved you are. It was awesome and overwhelming at the same time.
Maya began to heal quickly and was released from the hospital early. She will walk with a walker for a few months. She will start physical therapy after the new year. She will also wait to go back to school after the new year. She's doing great and is in good spirits. She misses her friends from school but enjoys all the attention she's getting at home.
We are still waiting on daddy's arrival and hope it's soon. It's been a wild and crazy couple of months.