Welcome to my new page!
I'm excited to share what's going on with the Starnes family. This will be a great way to keep in touch and check out some of the things we have been working on.
The month of December is always busy for everyone. For us, this year brings some new challenges. This will be the first Christmas and Anniversary that Charlie will be away on duty.
I'm excited to share what's going on with the Starnes family. This will be a great way to keep in touch and check out some of the things we have been working on.
The month of December is always busy for everyone. For us, this year brings some new challenges. This will be the first Christmas and Anniversary that Charlie will be away on duty.

The girls and I have been ajusting to his deployment well but everyone has their moments where we just miss daddy more than ever. We know that he is safe and healthy. We are able to communicate via email, messenger, and telephone on a regular basis. We have also been sending holiday packages of fudge, cookies and candy to him and his 25 troops throughout his deployment. He's thankful for a little piece of home and he says it boosts everyone's morale.
We have been busy buying Christmas gifts, sending cards, decorating the house and practicing for school programs. Buying everything online has become a way of life. We decorated our Christmas tree on the first of the month.
We have been busy buying Christmas gifts, sending cards, decorating the house and practicing for school programs. Buying everything online has become a way of life. We decorated our Christmas tree on the first of the month.
The girls enjoyed helping while listening to carols, eating popcorn and telling stories about each ornament (we only buy one ornament a year and there is aways a story behind it.)
Maya will be in a Christmas performance at her school next week. Her class will be singing in a program called, "Christmas Around the World". She will be singing in five languages! She has been practicing for months and as the time moves closer she's getting nervous. But I assured her that she will be fabulous.
I hope you have enjoyed reading. I will post what's going on frequently to keep you in the loop.
I hope you have enjoyed reading. I will post what's going on frequently to keep you in the loop.