It's Christmas Eve and already so much has happened since I last wrote. The girls finished up school with parties and gift exchanges.
On Sunday our church had a Christmas service and party. The kids entertained us with a skit written and directed by Jasmine. It was about a girl who needed to think about some of the things she had done in her life. For each bad example was a good example and a scripture to explain why she needed to change. In the end, the girl understood what her parents had been trying to teach her and she decided to work on being good. We all need examples like that in our life and it always brings us back to what God has called us to do.
Monday I celebrated my birthday with my girls. I got free tickets to the botanical gardens Christmas light show.
The park was lit up beautifully with different themes.
It was actually the coldest night of the year dropping to 60... brrr. So we bundled up (crazy, right?) The night ended in a fireworks display. What a great end to a birthday!
Christmas Eve is always a special time twice over for us. Charlie and I celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary over email and phone. What can you do, right? Our love for each other grows more and more every day and with every deployment. They can make you or break you. They have taught us so much about how we feel, our emotions - good or bad, and how much we can't stand to be apart. I love him more today than ever.
Christmas Day is tomorrow and it will bring many surprises for the kids. They are very excited and often ask me what's a good time to wake me up, not before 6 am please!