I can't believe you are a teenager! You were born in Cheyenne Wyoming on Nov. 25 at 7:23 pm. You weighed 8 pounds and were 21 inches long. You had a massive amount of black hair on your head and were dark skinned like your mom. That soon changed. By the time you were one, you had blond hair and were fair skinned. You have traveled the world living on three continents, in three countries, visited 12 countries, spoken many languages, tried many foods and have experienced many different cultures. You are a bright student. You receive all A's on your report card. You were selected into the National Junior Honor Society and are a member of Club Zero. Your favorites are chocolate and pizza. You would eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner if you could. You love your iPod. You are very sarcastic (which you learned from dad) and fun to be around. We love you very much and hope you have a wonderful birthday!