Happy Birthday Maya!
11 years ago today you were born at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, Germany at 2:50 am. You were 8.5 pounds and 20 inches long. You've come a long way baby from tears and fits to smiles and happiness. You've traveled to three continents, lived in two different countries, made it through nine years of school and made many friends along the way.
You have a love and compassion for people and animals. You think of others before yourself and you dream of becoming a veterinarian one day. You love working on crafts like Perlier beads, writing stories, playing with Littlest Pet Shop, listening to music and spending time with your sisters. Watching movies and playing games are on your top list of things to do also.
You've learned how to swim, snorkel, play soccer and basketball. You've seen more of the world than most, eaten exotic foods, spoken 4 languages and experienced many cultural activities. You have become a beautiful young lady, sweet daughter and best friend to all. We love you and wish you the best on your birthday!