Even though the kids were feeling under the weather this weekend, we managed to get out and get some sunshine. We headed over to one of our favorite beaches. The tide was low so we walked out on the tide pools and explored some of the small islands that were normally surrounded by water. We were looking for sea glass but came across some pretty cool shells that we hadn't seen before. The kids picked some up to add to our collection.

The afternoon was so nice. We found lots of sea glass; blues, greens and whites. Hopefully I'll have enough by the time we leave here to make a pretty mosaic. I'll have to write about sea glass sometime later since our family is unfamiliar with it. It's not something you find on the east coast.
Hours after we arrived home, I washed the glass and shells. They were smelling ripe from the sea water. I separated the glass from the shells and put them on the counter to dry.
Then they started to walk away!

They had crabs in them!

We always look inside to see if they were occupied. We didn't see any animals at the beach and had carried them in our pockets for hours. No one had stirred. Of the 17 shells we collected, 5 had crabs inside. I can't believe they didn't come out any sooner.

Charlie, being the awesome husband that he is, drove them back to the beach and let them free in their own habitat.