I have a few
DIY projects to complete while Charlie is away. All of our
shoji screens have holes in them. So before we move we have to have them replaced. I'm a bit
peeved about the
screens because of the 20 holes, my kids have only made 1 of them.
Kiera karate kicked it. They aren't cheep to replace. I think the housing
agency would charge us triple the amount to fix them. So I decided to try it myself.
1 of the many holes (but the whole screen has to be replaced)

The directions (all in Japanese so I'll read the pictures)

Take the door off the slide and lay it on a flat surface.

Take all the paper and glue off.

All clean.

Put on double-sided tape.

Lay the paper on top, smooth out and iron on.

da! (only 7 more to go)