a food pantry...double sinks...closets...central air...a yard to play in...clean air...smooth roads...quiet neighborhood...cable tv...speaking English everywhere...not showing my ID to enter a store...driving faster than 15 mph...street signs...radio stations...trees, grass & flowers...farmer's markets...malls...cherry icees...traveling...admusement parks...choice of health care...not stopping every 10 sec. for a stoplight...not eating rice with every meal...seeing something other than concrete...man sized furniture...resturants...phones that work...not picking up your kids' friends bc their parents won't drive off base...color on the walls...seeing friends and family
Don't get me wrong. I'm very greatful for the roof over my head, food on my plate and all the experiences I have been given to live overseas for the past 12 years. I just can't wait to touch American soil again.