Thursday, April 8, 2010
According to Maya, Charlie has notathomeitis. That's not-at-home-itis. He tends to get really sick wherever he goes when he's not with me. That's because I take care of him so well. Before he left a couple of weeks ago, he started having a terrible cough. He still has it. It's been two weeks. He informed me on Tuesday that he noticed a red spot on his leg. By Wednesday it had swelled to the size of a baseball. He went to the ER and was told it was a staph infection. They gave him some antibiotics and said to come back in a day if it hadn't gotten better. Today he went back to the ER. The swelling went down but it's now dark red and hurts like heck. He has to go back on Saturday to have it checked again. Hopefully he will start feeling better and see an improvement otherwise they may have to admit him and he won't be able to come home on time. So yeah, notathomeitis is the diagnosis from Dr. Maya.