Took the desk out of Maya and Kiera's room and returned it to FMO (furnishing management office- for government furniture). Wow, that leaves their room with a lot more space. I should have done that long ago.
Took Jasmine's bed back to FMO (she doesn't use it anyway. half the time she's bunking with Maya and Kiera. plus there's a bed in the office she can use.)
Took two end tables and a night stand back to FMO.
The house is starting to look empty. It's exciting! Yippee! The more I can get done the sooner the better. Now I can't wait for the truck to come and pack up.
I've been looking at houses, printing off my favs, and have narrowed down my decision to 10. I've had a better look at them thanks to googlemaps. I can see street views and arial views. It's a life saver. I'm able to really see the neighborhood, the yard, how close shopping is and more of what to expect. I can't wait to be able to finally step inside these houses. The time is getting shorter every day, 63 days from today.