Kiera was so happy coming home from school today. They had Career Day and Rach H. and LCpl. Watts from Okinawa's very own Wave 89 came by to talk to the kids. We hear these girls every day on the radio so it was kinda neat for Kiera to see them in person.
Rach H.

LCpl. Watts

Wave 89 is the only English speaking station on the island so it's all we listen to. They have to play music for all kinds of listeners so it makes it interesting to say the least with the type of music that's played. Most of it is stuff I've never heard before, 80's cheese, hard rock, classic rock, rap and very little pop. Country's Top 40 is played on Sundays. It's the only time we enjoy listening to the radio.
Kiera was excited to get their autograph. Rach H. wrote, "Kiera- You Rock!" And LCpl. Watts wrote, "Stay classy!"