It's beginning to look a lot like we're moving. We just got home today from a weekend of camping. Now the fun begins! Tonight I have to wash everything and pack our bags to move out of the house. Monday, we separate what we want in our quick shipment (things we'll need for the next month). Tuesday, people come to take away our government furniture. Wednesday, the whole house gets packed up. And Thursday, we are officially out of our house.

It's all happening at once and so quickly. I've been waiting for this day to come for years now and I feel like I'm not ready (I am ready, believe me). I'll stay up all night if I have to get things done.

The hard part is almost over. Then we can just sit back and relax for the next month. All we'll have to do then is the final appointments with their school and medical and sell my van which won't be too hard.
Pretty soon we'll be on the plane outta here!