Kiera enjoyed her Sponge Bob sleep-over for her birthday. I think we are all still recovering from it. We hosted 8 girls for 24 hours...what was I thinking? The girls had a half day of school so I picked them all up at 11:30 am. We got lunch at Pizza Hut (I thought it'd be the easiest). We then loaded up and came home. All the girls had a good time playing games, watching movies and making crafts. Charlie grilled up hamburgers and hot dogs for dinner. And of course we had chocolate cake for dessert. Kiera opened up all her gifts. She was happy that she got everything she wanted. Thank you Paw and Granddad for the money and Grandma for the gift card. Thank you Michelle and Joe for the ID holder, pen and lip gloss. She also got a couple of DS games, a water gun, webkins and crafts.
The girls enjoyed working on a bead craft. I'm sure it's been out forever but it was the fist time we had tried it. You make a picture using rubber beads on a peg board and then heat it with an iron once you are finished. You can make whatever your creative mind desires. Once you heat it with the iron, the rubber beads fuse together and you can keep your design. I liked it too. It involved time and seemed to calm everyone down for the night.
Finally I settled everyone down around 11 pm and I went to bed. I didn't figure anyone would really sleep and I was right. But we were upstairs and they were downstairs so we didn't hear much. To my surprise, everyone was up by 6 am....WHAT?? One girl had to leave early so breakfast had to be fixed. I made Kiera's favorite chocolate chip pancakes. Yummy! The girls ate and played and before I knew it, it was time for everyone to be picked up.
Everyone had fun...I was exhausted. I might think twice before I host 8 girls for 24 hours again.