My how she's growing quickly. Seems like yesterday she was a baby wrapped in my arms. Kiera was born a month early on April 18, 2000 at 7:45 am at Landstuhl Regional Army Medical Center in Germany. She weighed 6 lbs. 2 oz and was 19 in. She was a good size for a preemie. Kiera was happy from the first day of life. She hardly cried. Even when she woke in the night she wouldn't cry. No telling what time or how long she had been awake before I knew she was up. We nicknamed her 'Kare Bare' early on. Once she started walking it was a different story. We then named her 'The Traveler, The Destroyer'. She got into everything. But still, she was always happy, always had a smile on her face. Everything was cute and funny to her. Kiera has traveled the world in the past 9 years. She has been to 12 countries on 3 continents. She loves to travel, speaks phrases in 4 languages and likes to explore new areas. She loves playing with her friends, making crafts, playing on her DS and Wii and Littlest Pet Shop. Kiera has grown up to be a sweet and caring young lady. She's very curious and likes to find out about everything. She always wants to help and wants to makes others happy. She an excellent student and friend. Happy Birthday Kiera! We love you!