Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Leaving Again
I knew it wouldn't last long. Charlie came home from a 5 month deployment just 2 months ago. Now he's leaving again... not for as long though. He will be attending a class for a month in Mississippi and also take a trip up to NC to see family. Lucky Dog! He keeps rubbing in how much he's going to enjoy Chick-fil-a, Arby's, Papa Johns and not to forget Krispy Kreme. I haven't had any of that in 3 years! My mouth waters for it. It's so not fair sometimes. I just want to do some shopping and eat some good food. Is that too much to ask? I know how lucky I am to live on a tropical island, enjoy the sand in my toes at any moment, dive in the 5th best spot in the world and learn about new cultures, but you try going without good food and good shopping for 4 years. I just want a taste.