Charlie goes to physical therapy three times a week and is attached to this machine for at least 6 hours a day, if not more, while at home.
He can feel a huge difference in his recovery since starting on this machine. It moves his knee back and forth to keep his it warmed up and from getting stiff. He's still stuck to the couch and not venturing up the stairs yet (Japanese stairs are tall and narrow- too scary for crutches).
He's feeling much better, off the medications, and is able to do a little more for himself. He still can not put weight on it due to the micro fractures the doctor drilled into his tibia in order to grow new cartilage. But he's looking forward to exercising again. Since the pool is open year-round for lap swim, I think we will be using it more often. Hearing the doc. say Charlie's surgery was a last ditch effort was not encouraging. If he hurts his knees anymore he'll need total knee replacement. Not for someone in their 30's something they should be thinking about.