Me: "How do you not know where to go? All of your classes are in the 7th grade hall?"
Jas: "We have a 7th grade hall?"
Me: "You had a 6th grade hall, right?"
Jas: "We did?"
Me: "You don't remember? Don't you know anyone that was in 7th grade last year? (I knew everyone and where all the classes where when I went to school)"
Jas: "No. "
Me: "Come on! We have to go through the little class tour? All of your classes are on the same hall and they have numbers on the door."
Jas: "Gym and lunch aren't on my hall."
Me: "You don't know where gym and lunch are?"
I blame Charlie for Jas' sarcasm. It's only the beginning.
So after we tour the 7th grade hall with the other 100 kids, their parents and little siblings (it's going to be so crowded and I don't do crowds), there will be a free hot dog lunch. Maybe the girls will see some of their friends from school so we're not sitting in that hot, hot sun just to pass some time. We will be just passing time though. Maya and Kiera's class list doesn't come out until 1 pm. An hour of that (really? do we need an hour?) and then there will be a popsicle social and visit the classrooms time. I usually skip out on this too. Maybe I can encourage the girls that we really don't need to stay. If you've seen one classroom, you've seen them all. And it's not like they are starting kindergarten or a new school. (I'm such a mean mom.)