There were different booths set up around the school sponsored by the school's clubs. Club Zero made a haunted house. The kids worked long and hard on this for weeks. They did an excellent job. Jasmine's part was to act as a druggie who was going through withdrawals. She was screaming and acting like a crazy woman trying to get more drugs.
I signed up to make magic wand treats for the visitors. They are so easy to make. You just cover a pretzel rod with frosting and sprinkles. You could also do this with peanut butter and raisins too. I ended up making about 100 wands. Don't they look yummy?
Just before the festival was to start, the fire alarms went off and the fire department scrambled to the school. I had a hunch Charlie had something to do with it. I was right. He and a friend were playing with the fog machine a little TOO much. Good job Charlie.
Kiera had fun playing at all the booths. Here she has simulated beer goggles. It distorts your vision like you had drank two beers. She did great, not missing a step. I on the other hand would have been written a DUI.
And here she is getting a ghost painted on her hand.
She enjoyed it and got lots of cool loot.
You may be asking where Maya was. She was at her best friend's house working on a project for school. They are studying the countries in Europe and were each assigned a buddy and a country. They got Switzerland. I was able to find some pictures we actually took while in Switzerland and I bought some Swiss chocolate from the BX for them to share with the class. They got most of the project finished which I am really proud of. I really didn't think they would actually do it. She ended up spending the night at her friend's house and they went to see "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs" today.
It's raining here. A tropical storm has been passing by for a few days now. We have about three more days of rain left. Ugg! I hope we don't get too water logged.