We all had to get up bright and early on Tuesday to get our flu shot. The base was doing a clinic from 6-4 all week. Usually these things are packed. Jas has to be at school at 7am and out by 2pm but Maya and Kiera don't go until 9am and out by 3pm. So really the only time I could do it within reasonable time was to get there when they opened at 6am. The kids weren't happy about the time or the fact that they were getting a shot. But they all did well so we went out for Dunkin Donuts before school. Yep, get them all sugared up and send them on their way.
Charlie and I were trying to decided what to do with the rope we cut from the tug of war. Do we hang it up? Put it somewhere? Store it in the memories box? It's really a mess and the straw breaks off when you touch it. So we decided to make a shadow box. I picked up the last one available at the BX for a great price. I was happy about that. At first I was just going to put the rope and an article from the newspaper in the box but I thought it looked too bland. I pondered on it for a few days and decided to put a few more colorful Okinawan items in the box too. I purchased some washi paper and learned from Kiera how to make a paper crane. Once I got started, I made a few from different patterns of paper. It was really easy once I got the hang of it. (Maybe I'll blog about that one day) I also put an Okinawan fan, a set of shisha dogs, some star sand from the beach and a tiny taiko drum in the shadow box as well. It turned out looking much better than I had originally planned. I don't have a picture of it now but I'll get around to it soon.
Jasmine's Club Zero will be keeping us very busy next week (I told you it would. This is one "get it done" program. The kids do tons of stuff instead of just talking about it. Charlie and I will be helping decorate for the Haunted Family Fun Night. And I will be making yummy magic wands (so easy to make, no baking required - that's my kind of treat. I'll have to post about that one too) for all the kids to enjoy. It will be spirit week at both of the schools so I'll have to get some pics. of the girls' crazy clothes.
Charlie has been working insane hours at work lately. He's usually up at 4:30 am and home around 7pm. Last night he didn't get home until 9pm. It's awful. Next week is going to be just as bad but he'll be working the night shift so he'll really be messed up. He always talks about wanting a real massage so I made an appointment for him to get a 45 min. hot stone massage. I don't really know what they'll do but it sounded great. I hope it enjoys it. I can't wait for him to come home and tell me how it was.
That's about it for now. I don't want to bore you too much. Hopefully I'll have some time this next week to get some blogs in with pictures.