27 days to go and we'll find out what's on our "list". The wait has been tiresome at best. Germany is on our brain all the time. We lived most of our marriage there. Our kids were born and raised (practically) there. We love everything about it, the food, the travel, the culture the weather (well, maybe not always the weather). I miss grass and trees (is that so wrong?) being able to hop in the car and drive and see something new every week. I miss planning my trips, exploring villages and going to local fests.
Not having the seasons here has really taken a toll on me. I never thought it would affect me so much. But not seeing the leaves change, having cooler temps. or smelling comfort food has caused me pain. You're not suppose to sweat buckets trick o' treating. You are suppose to freeze your tush off frying up a turkey. And Christmas has been really hard to get use to because no one celebrates Christmas or decorates their house (where we live off base). There's no snow ever (which I never thought I'd be against). You really have to work at getting that holiday spirit around here. Although they do sell some Christmas items in the stores, the people don't really know why.
I've slipped a few times not even knowing that I've said it. I've told the kids, "When we move back to Germany..." and "We're going here and there in Germany." I've mistakenly gotten the kids too excited a couple of times. I watched a show on Germany last night. It brought back soooooo many memories of things we did and places we went while we were there. There's so much more I want to do and explore.
But I know...I know. I shouldn't get my hopes up. The next 27 days have to get past us and even then Germany may not even be on the list. Or it could be on the list and we not get picked for it. What a bummer that would be.