We waited months for this movie to come out so this weekend we took the girls to see Disney's A Christmas Carol. The girls decided to go ahead of us and get seats while Charlie and I got the popcorn and drinks.
Coming in the theater, I saw Maya right away and asked her where Jasmine and
Kiera were. They had decided to sit in the front row. Whatever. So Maya, Charlie and I sat together. I mentioned to Charlie that it's probably going to be like that once the kids are out of the house. Maya will tag along and stay with us forever. She's already told us that anyway.
I warned Maya ahead of time that the movie may be scary. She just kinda looked at me like, "why did you bring me then". We got about 20
mins. into the movie when Maya leaned over and asked, "Can I hold your hand?" She didn't let go during the whole movie. I
think everyone liked it. The girls love anything that Jim Carry is in.