"Mom, something happened at school today."
I was taken back. Jasmine never talks about school or anything ever happening. I tried my hardest to not pounce on her and ask for every stinking detail.
So I was cool, "oh yeah, what happened?"
She went on to tell me how she has a project due in p.e. where a group of them has to come up with a dance routine with music, flips and dancing. Yeah, so anyway, they have to work on the project together as a group. One of the girls decided she wanted to do her own thing and be the center of attention. She didn't want to have any part of the group. The rest of the girls talked it over and asked Jasmine to talk to her about how she was acting. Wow, my daughter whom I have to push to order at Burger King? So she confronted the girl calmly, asked her why she didn't want to be apart of the group and didn't want to help out. Jasmine didn't yell. She didn't have an attitude. She just talked to her in a normal conversation tone. The girl on the other hand just got up and left. She didn't want to hear anything Jasmine had to say.
I am proud of Jasmine for standing up for herself and her group. I am proud that she had the courage to talk and not to fuss at her. I am proud of her for doing the right thing and coming to talk to me about it. Jasmine is usually so quiet and I never thought I'd see the day when she would just open up and talk daughter to mother.
I gave her some advice to continue to be nice to her no matter how hard or frustrating it may be. She will come around eventually and see that she was treated differently than she may have thought or been treated before. I told her to continue to be her friend because friends stick together even when times are tough. And I praised Jasmine for coming to me and talking (but not too much 'cause I don't want to over do it and have her think I'm nuts!).