1. to truly enjoy our time off
2. to not worry about the house
3. rest
4. play video games (or do whatever I want) ALL day
So it's day 4. I did do some laundry today (well, I had to. I can't let it go past 2 days. That would be insane.) I also had the kids wash dishes (can't let that one go long either). Today I even vacuumed once (it really needed it).
For the most part we have been doing absolutely nothing. It's been nice. Next week will be here soon enough and the craziness will start again. I already know what I'll be doing! We have 150 days left on this island. We don't have orders yet but they'll be here before we know it. I don't want to wait until the last minute to get things done.
Little by little I've been cleaning up, sending things to the thrift store, thinking about what needs to stay and go. The girls and I have been talking about their new rooms, how it's going to look and how they want to decorate it. I made a memory board with each girl. They picked out their fabric and ribbons and we designed it together. With the leftover fabric we made pillows for their beds. They each got new rugs for their room for Christmas. It's funny how I had bought them months ago but they matched the fabric they had picked out perfectly. I'll have to blog about them later. I have no idea if these kinds of rugs are in the states but I couldn't pass them up. They are THE softest rugs I have ever felt. The price was amazing. I'm thinking about picking up some more for our bedroom before we leave.
I know the time is going to fly by but at the same time we still have 5 complete months left here. I can't get into the thought that we are on our way out the door. There is still plenty of time to have to keep focused on what's at hand. The girls will finish the school year, clubs, maybe even fit soccer in there somewhere and Charlie is finishing up some work and school. 5 months = 20 weeks = 150 days = 3,600 hours = 216,000 mins. = plenty of time to stay focused.