Friday, March 20, 2009
Spring Cleaning
Charlie is back at work this week. I've finally realized how much we have been neglecting our storage room. I walk in there every day to do the laundry and every day I'm disgusted by it. Charlie and I made a plan to clean it up while he was home. That never happened, snuggling on the couch was far more fun. So finally, I picked a cool, rainy day to tackle that storage room. It really wasn't THAT bad once I got all the bikes out of there. After a few geckos jumped passed me, ran around the walls, and scared the living daylight out of me, I could see the light. I rearranged some things and threw out some more things. Thoughts of moving next year hit me. What do I want to keep, toss, weight limits, where's it going to go in our new house? So much to think about. And I know I'll be thinking it all over again next year about this same time.