The other night Charlie and I went out to Gate 2 street to do some shopping. We parked at the USO on base because it's easier than parking on the street. I had to stop in the restroom (as always) before we hit the shops. While I was in the little girl's room, Charlie was in the Harley dealership buying a Harley! What? I stop to use the restroom and you buy a Harley! Sorry I took so long. But he was planning on doing it anyway. I just thought it'd be closer to July when he put on rank. He's all excited! He has to wait a couple of weaks before he can actually ride it and take it home. Papers have to be signed by many many people on this island, it has to be uncrated and shipped so Charlie can take a one day long Experienced Rider's class.
For those who care: 2008 Dyna Low Rider 105 Anniversary Edition

Charlie is shocked because I can't tell the difference in any of them. Sorry!