This was Charlie's last week home after his deployment. We had hoped to enjoy our time together, get out of the house, find some new restaurants, hang out. Well, that didn't really happen. We spent most of the week running errands. At least Charlie finalized all his Harley paperwork and his bike will be delivered on Tuesday! I put up some more bookshelves and got some much needed organizational projects completed. We had a Star Wars movie marathon. And on Friday we had to go to a required shop picnic at the beach (it's so hard living on an island). It was overcast all day and sprinkled but somehow Charlie actually got a little pink. All and all it was a good week.
The girls have a few field trips coming up. Maya will be going to the Commissary on Monday. Jasmine will be going to Shuri Castle on Friday. And the following week, Maya will be going to Okinawa World and visit the caves. They have made these trips many times since we've been here but I guess there's not a lot of things the school can choose from. They'll have fun anyway.