Today Charlie pinned on Master Sergeant (E-7)!!! He waited 1year, 4 months since he took the test to actually pin it on. It was a long wait but well worth it.
The ceremony took place in the base theater in front of the communications squadron, about 200 people. Before he was pinned the stripe, a little other business needed to be taken care of first. He was awarded a commidation medal for his hard work. He was also given a letter of reconition for community service.
Then the girls and I were called up on stage to do the tradional honors of punching the stripes on. One person stands on each side of the member and punches him as hard as they can in the arm. The girls and I did a great job. Charlie won't admit it but from the reaction on his face and the lean he gave after I punched him, he was surprised I hit him so hard. At least I got cheers instead of boos from the crowd. My pics. turned out badly from having a rookie use my camera. So I didn't get any pictures of us punching Charlie. Oh well. Maybe someone else got a good shot and will send it to us. I'm hoping.