My Munificent Mother
By: Maya Starnes
My Mother is like a graceful deer in the forest. She moves in the house graceful and she is kind as a squirrel in a tree. My Mother cooks and surds food for our family. She helps us with our homework when we need help. My Mother is like a bird because she loves to travel around the world, see different things and different people. She is smart, so when we have problems she is always around to help us help-out. Sometimes my Mother is like a vanccamcleaner because she cleans the house, when we are at school. My Mother is also like a peacock cause she is so beautiful and pretty. She can be like a book because you can’t judge a book by its cover you have to look inside that count. My Mother is strong as a tiger she will do anything she can do to protect us. My Mother is like a camera because she loves to take pictures where ever we go she has to take pictures if it is a new, different place we and a place we have not been there. So I love my MOTHER!!!!!!