It's finally the end of the year! Jasmine received an award for her grades - 6 A's and 1 B. Go Jas! We are very proud of you!
Actually, all three girls made the honor roll. Maya received 4 A's and 1 B. And Kiera got all CD's.
But I have to get on my high horse about something. I've always been a fan of if you work hard you should be reconized. Charlie has different thoughts. He doesn't care about any awards. And Jasmine would rather not have her name called than to walk in front of everyone at school. But I REALLY HATE how her school reconizes the students for the grades they receive. You only get an award for any A over 95 or if you went up a letter grade in a subject. So you are telling me if you have straight A's but they are a 90-94 you don't get an award? And if you have straight F's and get straight D's the next time, you get an award for good effort? I understand encouraging the kids that worked harder. But how about reconizing the kids that made the A or A/B honor roll like every other school? It's so backwards to me. Please let me know if I'm wrong here. I'd like to shout out to all those kids who made A's but did not get reconized. You deserve it too!