They each have a free game of bowling and shoe rental everyday until school starts again. They'll get their fill and then get sick of it. We won't be going everyday anyway.
Did I mention that it's raining for the next 8 days? Ugh! It's not how I had planned to start summer vacation. But from what I hear Okinawa really needs the rain. We are in a drought and they are talking about rationing our water if we don't get rain soon. All the resiviors are between 20 and 50%. Not good. I don't get it. I think it rained the entire time Charlie was deployed. He doesn't believe me but the sky cries over me everytime he's gone.
Jasmine has a job tonight. She is babysitting by herself for friends of ours. They have a 4 year old girl and 2 year old boy. I think she'll do fine. She can always call home for questions. She loves making and saving money.
So not a whole lot going on, just haning out and making plans for the summer. Charlie won't get the results from the MRI on his knee until mid-July. So we wait. He will start the paperwork on the special duty next week. So we wait. That's what the military's motto is: hurry up and wait.