Charlie and I have been talking about this trip for Australia for two weeks now. He tells me what he wants to do and I research the internet to find the best deals around. What we found was there are no best deals around in Australia. This trip is going to cost a fortune even with free plane tickets. Everything started adding up along with the stress of reaching deadlines. The kids don't have passports, we all need visas, hotels are outrageous, we can't forget to eat, we would be doing bare basic stuff, not really getting all out of the country we want. So we decided to nix the whole trip. I know, I know what you're thinking. Who would drop a great opportunity? We still have to remember we are buying a house, two cars and furniture when we finally do move.
So you ask, "Are you coming straight home?" Nope. We're going to Hawaii instead. We know for a fact that there will be no out-of-pocket travel expenses getting to and from there. We have a hotel already picked out right on the beach. Charlie has a few things he wants to do and I have like one thing I want to do. The kids are just happy to get away and stay in a hotel. I'll be lucky if I can get them away from the tv all day (since they've never watched American tv except a few weeks out of their lives at Grandma's house).

It will be nice to actually be on a vacation.