Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Ear Update
So everyone has been asking what my outcome was at the ENT. I went to the appointment and just didn't get a good vibe from this guy. You know what I mean. As soon as he walked in the door he was so unpersonable and not caring. He took a look in my ear and before I knew it and without warning, he shoved a vacuum in my ear and got to work at sucking out all the gunk. This was so unpleasant to say the least. I'm not too worried about my hearing any more because I heard that vacuum loud and clear. This guy was so rough and actually said, "oh, did that hurt?" when he touch my eardrum with it. After that was done he asked if I felt better. Are you kidding me??? That hurt! He gave me the warnings of q-tips which I try so hard not to use. And told me to lather up and put soap and water actually in my ear. Whatever. I'm not doing that. My ears continue to drain. I think I need to get away from these military doctors and am looking forward to when we get stateside and I can choose my own doctor.