Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Feeling Worse
Two sleepless nights and terrible pain sent me to the ER today. I wouldn't normally go to the ER for an ear infection but my clinic was closed today for training. The staff wasn't too happy about this not knowing ahead of time that they may be hammered by people coming in with silly-not-such an emergency-kind of stuff. I must have been the first one in today because I got brushed off initially. Thankfully, a nice, understanding and helpful nurse sailor guy (forgive me on how I'm putting my words, I'm high at the moment and probably shouldn't be working any high tech machinery) listened to what I was complaining about. The whole left side of my face hurts and now I can't open my mouth. I can't eat. I can't sleep. I just hurt a lot. His face changed, eyes lit and realized I may have a real problem that needs real treatment. I soon realized they were blowing me off at first because they thought I was 20 years old and was being a whiny baby. Once they found out I was a mature mother of three, they all of the sudden listened. Crazy how that works. Soon, everyone was listening and I had four different nurses and doctors asking me questions and digging into my oh so tender ear. Did I mention I was in a lot of pain? Yes that hurts when you touch it and dig around so stop it! They were shocked to hear that I had been suffering so long and had been put off for years. In the end, I had a wick shoved in my ear along with more drops (this really doesn't feel good. It actually hurts worse because of all the swelling and pressure I already have). But I know it's good for the healing. I also got some Vicoden for the pain. Finally I can sleep. I thought I wouldn't feel any pain after taking the Vicoden but I still do, I just don't care about it now. I'm hoping to fall asleep soon. Charlie is helping me out by picking up the girls from school ('cause I really can't drive). He's a great husband and is always there for me. Also, I forgot to mention, instead of waiting for a month to see the ENT, I have already been referred today. So tomorrow I can call there and get my first appointment. That's really great news. I'm hoping this infection will clear up soon and I'll be back to feeling good again.