Friday, June 12, 2009

Quick Update

The kids are out of school for the summer... Yea!!! More work for me....Boooo! No actually the girls are easy. Keep the pantry stocked, games to play and cartoons to watch and they are happy. They start swim lessons on Monday rain or shine (unless it's lightning of course). Maya and Kiera will be in level 4 and Jasmine in level 5. Wow! They can swim, I just want them to have more confidence and know how to do the strokes properly.

They each have a free game of bowling and shoe rental everyday until school starts again. They'll get their fill and then get sick of it. We won't be going everyday anyway.

Did I mention that it's raining for the next 8 days? Ugh! It's not how I had planned to start summer vacation. But from what I hear Okinawa really needs the rain. We are in a drought and they are talking about rationing our water if we don't get rain soon. All the resiviors are between 20 and 50%. Not good. I don't get it. I think it rained the entire time Charlie was deployed. He doesn't believe me but the sky cries over me everytime he's gone.

Jasmine has a job tonight. She is babysitting by herself for friends of ours. They have a 4 year old girl and 2 year old boy. I think she'll do fine. She can always call home for questions. She loves making and saving money.

So not a whole lot going on, just haning out and making plans for the summer. Charlie won't get the results from the MRI on his knee until mid-July. So we wait. He will start the paperwork on the special duty next week. So we wait. That's what the military's motto is: hurry up and wait. Best Blogger Tips