We've really been enjoying the 70's for the past few months. But summer is coming and it's starting to heat up. I'm so not ready for the summer heat and outrageous electric bills (they soar from $100 to $500 a month during the summer). I noticed on our local weather website today that the first typhoon of the season has already formed in the Pacific. Not already! Typhoon season doesn't start for another month! Looks like these two won't hit us but I hope this isn't a sign as for what's to come. Every year since we have lived here, it seems like the weekend is ruined by a typhoon. They can't come during the week so everyone can get out of work early. No, they have to ruin every one's weekend and clear up for the start of another workweek. I have my typhoon preparedness kit ready as always. Hopefully I will never have to use it.