We finally recovered from death it seemed. All of us (except Kiera) were so sick this week. I don't mean sniffles and feelings a little lazy. I mean down and out, didn't want anything but my pillow and dreams, lost all consciousness sick. It was like a freight train had hit our house. And I still don't know how Kiera managed to not get one sniffle, one sneeze, or one cough. That girl has one tough immunity. Poor Maya gets sick watching someone on tv cough. But we made it though. I spent ALL day yesterday washing everything I could put in the machine. I do not want to spend another week like this past week.
And as you can see I've been playing around with my camera. I finally learned how to take really sharp, colorful, crisp pictures like I've been dreaming of. I just needed a fine afternoon and some kids that would hold still for a few minutes while I worked things out. But believe me, they didn't WANT to do it. But don't they look so good?