Last night, as I was walking outside to the drink vending machine (yes, they're everywhere here. Ours is at the end of the driveway), I saw what I thought was a kite wrapped around the power line. Our neighbor has had a kite wrapped around their power line for months now. As I got closer I saw that it wasn't a kite but a huge bat. I'm use to seeing these bats every night. I don't think there's a night that I don't see them. But the are always flying past me. I never see them just hanging around much less hanging around at my house. I grabbed my camera and tried to get some shots but it was just too dark. It wouldn't focus and take. So I had to use my mad skills and put the camera setting on manual and 15 sec. shutter speed. I got two good pics.
I told the girls to go to their bedroom window, don't be scared and don't scream. They thought I was going to show them some horrific monster. Once they saw that it was a bat they were like, "Mom, it's just a bat." Like, "whatever" mom. Guess I'm lame. But we had never seen them so close up before. I thought it was a treat. We watched it for 20 mins. untill it flew away.