I have no idea what new music is out. So this weekend I went online to my favorite stations and looked at their playlist. I copied everything down, pulled up iTunes and started downloading music! I felt like I was home again. Ahh, the little things that mean so much you don't realize you miss until you don't have it.
The girls searched for music too. They pulled off some of their favs. from movies they watch. It was a great time. They have a wide range of favorites too from Journey to Plain White T's, Marron 5, Lady GaGa and Jason Mraz.
We are looking forward to moving back to the states more and more everyday. If we could leave tomorrow we would. Okinawa is great to visit but living here has sent me over the edge of keeping my sanity. I love living overseas with the opportunities to travel, great schools, learning culture diversities but 12 years is long enough and it's time to go home.