So what does any woman do when she's mad? Clean. I did three loads of laundry, two sets of dishes, vacuumed the carpets and swept the floors. Surely it would wear off by the end of church. Nope. So the girls got a good talkin' too. "Blah, blah, blah and on Mother's Day! How could you?"
I decided I wasn't going to let their nasty attitudes stop me from enjoying my day. It couldn't get much worse. So we went to the beach anyway with another talk in the car. Made it, set up, and off the kids went to the water park. Ahh, quiet again. Once they came back to rest they were fine. They worked whatever it was out. Thank goodness! We lounged on the beach, played games and enjoyed the day after all. Coming home was much better but I still had another three loads of laundry waiting, dinner to cook and homework to help with. A mom's work is never done, not even on Mother's Day.