Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Baby It's Cold Outside

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking...first what is that thing in the picture? It's Charlie's scuba thingy but the numbers at the bottom tell the temperature. It reads 50 degrees. Gasp! Ok so you aren't gasping but we are. Come on, we live on a tropical island here. It's not suppose to get that low. I don't own any long sleeved shirts. I have one blue sweatshirt that Charlie just loves (not really, he hates it now because I have nothing else to wear). We don't have central heat either. We all sit under one heater that never warms up the place. Wah, wah, wah. Anyway, can't wait for spring to get here. It's just around the corner and those beautiful cherry blossoms will be Springing up by the end of this month!!!

This is how I felt too. She snuggled herself under the blanket.
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